Methods to access Facebook without having to enter your password

Social networks today have emerged as one of the virtual communities that are becoming more popular every day. Because this type of platform allows constant interaction between its users. Which has caused them to be named one of the main activities carried out by their consumers.

Between these social networks we have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, among others. The latter is a multinational company with global characteristics, recognized as one of the social networks with the largest number of users, which is constantly increasing.

Now, due to the habit of people continuing to enter and subscribe within this type of social platform, companies have been improving their security services to provide a pleasant experience to their users. For its part, Facebook has not been left behind, trying to perfect this area, adapting it to real-life problems. It is in this way that this company has developed ways so that you as a customer have several ways to access your account despite having lost or forgotten it.

This is why this article discusses the methods available to log into your Facebook without your password.

Using the tools you have in your Facebook profile

The method from your username is extremely simple, you have to go to the configuration panel where you can assign some shortcuts that allow you to enter your profile without problems. In this way, we recommend the following tips:

  • By clicking on your profile photo: this way, you can make Facebook take your profile as the default from your device, that is, save the login in your browser. To do this, you must do:
  • Login to your P
  • Go to the upper right corner of the screen, you should see an arrow-shaped icon, there you will find the menu
  • Click on Settings and Privacy
  • Click on Settings
  • Enter the Security and login option
  • You will see a box with information whose title is login
  • You will see two options: change password and save your login information, click on the second
  • You will see a section that says “THIS BROWSER”, where two options will appear: save your login information and Delete account, click on the first one.

If you have carried out the actions that we have indicated, you will see that when you enter your profile photo from your browser to the Facebook home page, clicking on it will allow you to enter without having to enter your data. If you no longer want this shortcut to continue appearing on your page, you must do:

  1. Go to the section where “Save your login information”
  2. Click “turn off automatic login”

This will not only allow you to eliminate this process from your browser, you can also implement it to disconnect other devices that you have previously entered.

From your Web browser (Google Chrome)

Another extremely easy method to execute is to take advantage of the save password option provided by your browser preferences. Generally when we go to a page that asks us to enter data in order to secure the information contained therein, the browser will ask you if you want the data entered to be saved so that you do not have to enter it again.

If your browser is Google Chrome, below we mention the steps you must follow in order to make the most of this option:

  1. Enter your Google Chrome browser
  2. Click menu
  3. Click on settings
  4. Select the autocomplete option
  5. Click password
  6. Check if the “ask if I want to save password” option is active, if not, activate it

At the end of this process, you will be able to go to the pages that you would like your browser to save login information. If you would like to verify the information per page, you can go to the password option and you will be able to see all the pages with their respective data.

If you are still having trouble saving your data, you can do the following:

  1. Go again to the “password” option
  2. Go to the “passwords that are never saved” section, if you view Facebook as one of the assigned pages, you must click on the “x” next to it.
  3. Once this is done, go to Facebook and log in normally,
  4. When you enter the data and log in, a box will appear with the question: Do you want to save the password? Click on save.

Method to enter the Official Facebook App without a password from your mobile device

You can implement this tool on your smartphone or tablet, so that the process of entering your profile is automatic. To achieve this, below we list the steps to follow.

  1. From your Play Store, download the official Facebook application
  2. Once the installation is complete, enter the application
  3. Enter your details to log in

Once these simple steps have been completed, you will be able to enter your profile without having to constantly enter your data.

Method to enter my Facebook profile with QR Code

One of the new resources that Facebook gives you is being able to access your profile with QR, through the Web version. In order to take advantage of this tool we recommend the following:

  1. Log in on your preferred computer, it should be the one you usually use to log in to your profile.
  2. Go to the “More” menu or click on the three stripes or three dots icon.
  3. Click on “Sign in with your phone”, when you do so a window will appear that says “QR code”
  4. Click on the QR Code option
  5. With your camera, scan the code that appears on the screen.

Through this process, accessing your profile has never been so quick and easy.