How to perform a clean install of Windows 10

If you have already updated to new operating system from Microsoft It is likely that you liked it and are wondering if there is the possibility of perform a clean install of Windows 10. The truth is that this concept seems to be quite hidden, or at least not many talk about it, but rather they stick only to the update that we can perform directly from Windows 7 or Windows 8. But today we bring you good news, and it is that we have verified that it is truly possible to carry out a installation from scratch of Windows 10, formatting the hard drive and installing all programs and tools again.

How to perform a clean install of Windows 10

Advantages of clean installation of Windows 10

One of the main advantages that we are going to enjoy thanks to the clean installation of Windows 10 is precisely that many of the problems that we can encounter at this time are going to disappear. Let us not forget that although the windows 10 update is carried out correctly, some details may not work properly depending on the PC, because the drivers may be outdated, be incompatible, some program may be affected and much more.

At the same time, we are also going to get rid of all the previous risks that could exist such as viruses and in general what we will do is completely clean our PC to get started and enjoy a optimal performance Since, with the passage of time, one of the failures that we can find is that little by little our equipment is loaded and its performance decreases.

What do I need to perform a clean installation of Windows 10

If you have already updated to Windows 10, you will only have to follow the steps indicated in the following section. If you have not yet updated, it is essential to perform this step first and then continue with the clean installation process.

Step to perform a clean installation of Windows 10

To perform a clean installation of Windows 10, what we have to do is enter the Windows 10 settings and then we click on “Update and security”. On the left side we click on “Recovery” and here you can see that since it is an update you will have the possibility of returning to the operating system you used before.

How to perform a clean install of Windows 10

However, in our case we are going to stay at “Reset this PC” and click on the “Start” button. This will open a new window that offers us the possibility of resetting the computer while keeping or getting rid of the files.

How to perform a clean install of Windows 10 b

Since what we want is to perform a clean installation, what we will do is also delete the files, so the process will begin shortly.

The process to format Windows 10 and install the files again will take a few minutes, but the positive aspect is that we can perform a clean installation of Windows 10 without having any knowledge, since we will not have to choose any option but the The process will be carried out completely automatically.

It should be noted that before proceeding it is important that you have carried out a Backup of all the files that you want to keep, since once finished there will be no possible way to recover them.