How to know if a Twitter account is fake

Thanks to social networks it is very easy to stay up to date with everything that happens within the areas in which we are interested, such as a certain popular person, a music group, the world of politics, the world of economics, etc. However, it also opens the door to rumors and hoaxes, many of them born from false accounts, that is, accounts that try to make people believe that they belong to a certain person when in reality they have only been created with the aim of causing harm. To thirds. Well, so that these hoaxes begin to descend and no attention is paid to them, in this tutorial we are going to learn how to know if a Twitter account is fake.

How to know if a Twitter account is fake

The Twitter verification control

Without any doubt, the easiest way to know that a Twitter account is original it is thanks to brand that Twitter puts on the accounts whose origin has been verified, which is presented as in the following image.

However, the problem is that not all original users and accounts have this mark or verification, so we may then doubt whether they were really original accounts. In short, if you have this verification, we can be convinced that it is a real account.

Take a close look at account activity

One of the best ways to find out if an account is true or false is by observing its activity, and above all by analyzing whether that person really habitually has a certain behavior. For example, a user who is generally nice to other users, at one point may be having a bad day and make a bad comment, but if we look at the account and it is full of this type of derogatory and unpleasant comments, it is Of course it was not the same person we thought.

Moreover, Many of these fake accounts are used to promote products or obtain financial benefits. In some way, so that you notice that a person you follow is always trying to get you to access a certain page or buy a certain product, it is also very likely that it is an account created with malicious intentions.

And of course we also have to pay attention to the way of writing. Writing is something very similar to fingerprints, and each person has their own touch of it. It is clear that with 140 characters we will not be able to analyze the writing much, but with the succession of comments it is very likely that we will get an idea.

It is also interesting to pay attention to other details such as spelling mistakes and whether the images that appear are already on the internet or are completely new images.

A person who posts images of themselves on Twitter, the most common thing is that it is a single image that comes from their camera, but in the case of fake accounts, what is done is to search for images on the Internet, something that the owner obviously does not would do (or not too often), so if all the images on the account are already on the internet, it is clear that we are also dealing with a fake account. We can check this by clicking the right mouse button on the image and selecting the option “Search images on Google".

In short, if you follow these premises and are observant, it is much easier than it seems to detect if an account has been created by the person who appears responsible or directly has other intentions such as making that person look bad or even promoting products from a unrespectable manner.