How to log in to Gmail

A while ago we explained the steps to create a Gmail account, but once we have the account, one of the first things we will have to learn is how to enter it. For that reason, below we are going to explain how to log in to gmail.

How to log in to Gmail

Steps to log in to Gmail

Below we are going to indicate the steps that we must carry out to log in to Gmail.

The Gmail page

How to sign in to Gmail 2

The first thing we are going to do is enter the gmail page for which we can click on the previous link or write in the bar of our browser

With this we will see an image similar to the one above and as we can see, here are all the boxes that we must fill out to be able to log in to Gmail.

Data to log in to Gmail

How to sign in to Gmail 3

If we look closely at the section above, we will see that the only data we are going to need is the email and password. As for the email, we can write it completely, that is, of the type or directly we just write the name that we chose when creating the account, that is, in this case we will write “this is my e-mail”, since the extension @ it is taken for granted.

However, we must enter the password in its entirety and with all the characteristics that we chose when creating it, that is, we will enter all the uppercase and lowercase letters, characters y numbers.

Now all we have to do is click on the button “Log In” that will give us access to our Gmail account to be able to start using it.

I can't sign in to Gmail

However, there is a possibility that for some reason we try to log in to Gmail and do not have access. In this case, there are different systems of account recovery which we are going to explain below.

Check the data entered

Generally, the main reason why we can't log in to gmail It is because we have not entered the data correctly, either the account or the password, so in principle we will repeat the entire process to verify that it is the error that has arisen.

If we continue without access to Gmail, below we indicate how we should proceed.

Request access to Gmail

In this case it will be necessary for us to contact the Gmail technical team, and to do this in the main Gmail window we will click on the link "Need help?", which is located just below the login button.

How to sign in to Gmail 4

Once this is done a questionnaire that we will have to fill out based on the reasons why we cannot log in to our account, which will generally be that we cannot we remember our password o Username or that our account has been stolen and therefore we do not have the password.

Regardless of the reason, thanks to Alternate email and phone number that we indicate when creating a new account, we will receive the new access data and we will be able to log in again. enter Gmail smoothly.