The end of cellulite with laser

The end of cellulite with the laser! This is a premise that you have probably heard before, since the use of this method is not really new. However, what is true is that, over the years and with studies, it has evolved so much that the results are incredible. So, if you want to eliminate cellulite or get rid of it, you cannot stop reading this post, in which you will learn everything related to its treatment. 

What is cellulite? Is there more than one type? 

Cellulite can be defined as a specific inflammation of the cellular tissue, that is, what is found under the skin. This usually affects the areas of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, although it can also occur in others, such as the arms and is known as aesthetic cellulite. 

However, the same word also refers to a bacteria that can enter human skin. This can cause infection and inflammation and, if not treated properly with Antibiotics, it can get complicated. 

Regarding the types of cellulitis hairsalon 4 specific ones have been established and can be differentiated according to their characteristics. Furthermore, by determining what kind of condition it is, it can be defined whether it is possible to end cellulite with laser or another method. 

  • Soft cellulite: it can be differentiated by presenting sagging and clear movement when the person changes their posture. It does not cause pain and is usually seen in the thighs or buttocks. 
  • Hard cellulite: as its name indicates, it is rigid and even compact, and it is also known as the most painful, accompanied by the presence of stretch marks. 
  • edematous cellulite: tends to generate pain and be located on the thighs or buttocks. Its texture is cushiony and can cause more serious health problems, such as varicose veins. 
  • Mixed: this cellulite brings together the three previous types, and areas with each one can be observed in the same body. 

What does laser anti-cellulite treatment consist of? 

The first thing that stands out about cellulite treatment laser, is that it is a non-invasive procedure, it does not require operations or other painful practices with consequences. It also does not carry the risks of, for example, liposuction. 

In fact, the end of cellulite with the laser is a therapy to eliminate or reduce it. This is done by applying laser light that, when passing through the skin, attacks the accumulated adipose tissue. 

Simply put, this treatment, also known as lipolysis laser, takes advantage of its light and manages to increase the metabolism of fat. This being what guarantees its destruction.  

This technique is also recommended for complementary use, meaning that if it is combined with massages or other therapies, the results are much better. Well, the latter promote blood flow, which ensures the elimination of harmful agents in fat nodules. 

The end of cellulite with laser: why choose this method? 

Although there are many other procedures to remove or treat cellulite, such as pressotherapy or mesotherapy. The laser has proven to be considerably less invasive and has proven to have very good results. 

It is also important to consider that, as these are treatments that work per session and most require more than one, the cost is important. In this sense, laser treatment can have a minimum cost of about 20 Euros. And reach up to about 200 euros per session. Although this will depend on the area to be treated. 

While, for example, for mesotherapy the price is 250 euros per visit and in the case of cavitation, its minimum price is 250 euros. There are also other procedures, such as carboxytherapy, however, this is not positioned as the favorite option. 

On the other hand, it is a therapy that can be combined with other treatment methods, even if recommended, thus, it is not limiting, guaranteeing better effects. And, it is available in different clinics, Medical centers and specialized beauty. 

Combination of methods, laser treatments and something more 

As you have already read, finding the end of cellulite with laser does not prevent you from using another treatment. In fact, for better results, some specialists use a combination of laser, radiofrequency and cellulite mesotherapy, which allows a comprehensive treatment of the condition. The good thing about this is that, whether to eliminate cellulite in the buttocks or in other areas of the body, the laser technology It is suitable.