
How to make a trip plan, calculate a car route and share with others on Google Maps

Learn how to share and calculate a car route on Google Maps with your friends and family. Enjoy putting together a route from your computer or mobile phone.

Which app to open files is the best for Android

Currently mobile devices are a very important part for users. And from them you can perform practically any task, such as...

The best free widgets for your Android device

If you don't know what to do to improve the performance of your mobile device or want to access better tools, what you need are the best free Widgets for Android devices

The 8 most important games in the Dragon Ball franchise

The popular anime has earned a famous position in the world of video games. It all started in 1986, when the first game was released...

5 great games for Smartphone that are PC or Console adaptations

Nowadays, almost everyone has a mobile phone. This technological device, which has become indispensable, contains computing power that is increasingly...

How to activate 4G on Android and iOS phones

4G or LTE as it is also known, is an internet connection used by mobile devices. In this article we are going to instruct you on how to activate 4G on Android phones.

Google Translate: transcribe option improves the translation experience

Enhance your Google Translate experience with real-time translation thanks to the Transcribe feature.

What does the Redmi Note 8 data sheet say?

Without a doubt, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone has been something to talk about for a year. With high-quality specifications and a processor...

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