Get familiar with The Cable Girls and its great plot

Netflix It has been a main ally of Spanish productions practically since its inception. Do you know how it all originated? Indeed, the The launch of Las Chicas del Cable marked a before and after. Thanks to this, these same projects owe their popularity to the most in-demand streaming platform to date. 

Gradually, Netflix was in charge of producing, developing and launching the first series of Hispanic origin on its services. From that moment on, great projects of Spanish origin also showcased the artistic and television skills of the Iberian country. The best thing about it is that, like this and other curiosities, you will learn about it below. 

The path to fame. How did “Las Chicas del Cable” come about?

Being original from Netflix and created by intrepid Ramón Campos, This series was born on April 28, 2017. At that time, there was great uncertainty regarding the topics it addressed; However, she was soon liked. 

Surprising everyone and everyone, the series gained popularity among a select group of fans, which grew positively. After completing its first season, the positive reviews and profits obtained gave rise to an almost immediate second part specifically, on December 25.

As time went by and because it continued to be a series with great successes, it continued to be renewed. In that sense, a third, fourth and even fifth season were produced and successfully released. 

The last one, divided into two parts, ended its broadcast on July 3 of this year, raising suspicions among the most demanding community. The Cable Girls, despite being the first Spanish production, did not meet the expectations set. On the contrary, he far surpassed them since he began to be part of the Netflix catalog. 

The plot of this popular Spanish series without spoilers in sight

In general terms, it explores precise details of the era of the Civil War in Spain, as well as the beginning of the last century. Set in the year 1928, closely follows the lives of four extraordinary women, working in a telecommunications company.

By then, women were considered characters who did not have much of a place in the workplace. In a stage where machismo was seen at its maximum expression, the role of women in relation to work was very difficult. 

In addition, angrily shows the relationship that the protagonists maintain and the way they function in their environment. They support each other in the search to improve themselves and leave behind those unconventional ties that prevent their progress. However, with family, friends and memories involved, it will not be an easy task at all. 

Basically, The Cable Girls They have a vision of what the current feminism. They decorate the screen to reflect left and right, the power that women possess to achieve their own empowerment under unfavorable situations. 

Enjoy the first Spanish Netflix series right now!

To enjoy The Cable Girls, In case it caught your attention, All you have to do is sign up for a Netflix subscription. With the payment of a modest sum, you will begin to enjoy not only this series, but other related ones. 

In essence, the series will be positioned as one of the best or, failing that, you can search for it among the categories of the streaming platform. Once you do, 5 well-structured seasons will be available to you, detailing even more the aforementioned plot. With 42 chapters in total, this series is a sure guarantee of Enjoy Spanish quality to the fullest.