How to type the euro symbol on the keyboard

Although in most of current keyboards we are not going to have a problem, There are still those in which the euro symbol did not appear. That is why we are going to explain to you the different ways to write it so that you can get out of trouble if you find yourself in that position at some point.

How to type the euro symbol on the keyboard

Key combinations to type the euro symbol on the keyboard

The fastest and easiest way to type the euro sign on the keyboard When we do not have a specific key for it, it is precisely by performing key combinations.

In most cases, the key combination What we are going to need is ALT GR + E, a very easy combination to remember due to the similarity between the letter and the appearance of the euro symbol on some keyboards.

euro sign

However, in some Keyboards This combination is not going to work for us, and in that case we are going to also use ALT GR + 5, and in principle already We are not going to have problems with any keyboard.

However, we can still encounter some that present us with problems, so it is good to know other additional combinations that we can have in the bedroom in case the previous ones do not work for us.

One is CTRL+ALT+E, another would be CTRL+ALT+5, which would basically be like the previous two but changing ALT GR by CTRL + ALT, and finally we have another alternative which is ALT + 0128.

with any of these key combinations We are totally convinced that you will be able to write the euro sign regardless of the keyboard you are using.

However, there are also some other tricks that are worth knowing to guarantee that we will never be limited. when looking for this symbol.

Other tricks to insert the euro symbol on the keyboard

As we said, Key combinations are the easiest way to type the euro sign, but there are some programs that offer us the possibility of insert it directly as is the case with Microsoft Word, which includes a section to insert symbols between which we can find the euro among other currencies.

But obviously it is not always going to work for us, and in last place we have a resource that we must not forget is there and that can be useful to us at a given moment, fantastic in the event that we do not remember any of the key combinations which we have indicated previously, and which is neither more nor less than copy symbol from any text, either from any document that we have on our computer, or we can directly search through the Internet and we will find Lots of symbols to copy and paste.

But as we said, the ideal in these cases is to remember the key combinations because this way it will be much faster and, above all, much more comfortable to carry out the process.

Well, this is everything you need to know about how to write the euro symbol on keyboard, and from now on you will no longer have problems to represent this currency even with old keyboards.