Windows 11: what it is, how it works and what new features the new Microsoft operating system brings

Windows 11 is an operating system made up of programs, which make it possible to manage the resources that a computer has. This type of systems starts to work when you turn on the computer to configure the hardware starting from the most basic levels of it program.

This operating system works on computers and other electronic devices that use microprocessors such as mobile phones, DVD players. In the case of Windows as a program, the standard version works on computers, although there is also the possibility of a version for phones (Windows Mobile),

• Minimum requirements and compatibility:

On the Windows 11 taskbar is the Start button, to access all the device's programs and Cortana.

It is the virtual assistant that works as a search engine for this operating system.

• Windows 11 interface and design:

The user interface is the virtual space where the user enters or writes instructions. of the action you want to perform.

The functions and design of the operating system are the product of work carried out in conjunction with computing devices.

In this way, the user receives the help they need to do the tasks assigned to them. Hardware and software are managed by the operating system and provide the resources that the user requests.

• Apps and Microsoft Store:

  • Windows 10 is the most well-known operating system in the technology market, it is accessible for desktop and laptop computers.
  • Android is the operating system for smartphones and is the most popular.
  • iOS is the most popular operating system for tablets.
  • Linux variants are widely used in internet-related things and smart devices.

• New integrated applications:

Windows 11
Windows 11

The new Windows operating system applications are integrated with other free OS options in addition to Linux, such as: Chrome OS, Syllable and ReactOS.

Which They were released on the market as a clone of Windows 95, this is only seen in the commercial world of personal computers, mobile devices and tablets.

• Redesigned Microsoft Store:

If this application is not in the taskbar, search, select Start, type Microsoft Stores, and select.

This application is familiar on all devices, search for free and paid applications.

Like Adobe Reader, see how popular it is, rank and download on your device.

Install an app from the Microsoft Store, which will follow you to any device.

• Linux Android Apps:

Android applications relate to WhatsApp, Morescast, Google Maps, Dolphin and VLC, among others. There are more than 3 million applications on Google Play, with extremely high ratings, although more than half go unnoticed and have no evaluation.

• Automatic Updates:

These applications are updated with the latest version available, which contains new features, improvements and bug fixes. 

If you do not update the operating system, your computer will be exposed to failures and some security vulnerabilities.

This can facilitate the theft of information.  personnel as well as invasion of privacy.

• Performance and security:

To achieve the performance and security of the operating system select Start< Settings< Update and security< Protection against viruses and threats< Manage settings, that way you maintain security, keep the software updated, using the antivirus and you must make sure that the passwords are well selected and protected, It is recommended that you do not open attachments or click on unusual links in messages.

• Other news:

For this 2023, the new features of Windows 11 set trends in the markets.

It is already a reality, with the new Microsoft operating system It has been visually renewed to integrate with new technologies and offer a better user experience.

Which receives many new features that were initially intended for the canceled Windows 10 project.

Online stores are dressed in luxury with the latest Windows, which is now available for users, who receive new technologies adapted to their devices that are necessary for the work they do.

One of the new features that came with Windows 10 to its own application store.

The Microsoft Store, which allows you to develop to launch your own applications converted into universal apps.

In order to take advantage of the UPW format, as well as allow users to download and update their apps from the Windows Store.

Microsoft Store has already reached levels of maturity; to improve the image of its application store and continue growing to make it easier for users to find more interesting content with new offers and promotions of all its news,