A thousand Epubs: the best alternatives

Mil Epubs is undoubtedly one of the best alternatives for download ePubs for free, and it has a wide collection through which we can access all types of free electronic books of practically any genre, thus being able to enjoy a very complete collection.

However, there are also alternatives to Thousand Epubs which is worth keeping in mind, since this way you will have many more possibilities of completing your collection and having access to a multitude of books that are hard to find.

Thousand Epubs: best alternatives to download books

Alternatives to Thousand Epubs



As we told you, there are many Thousand Epubs alternatives that we have at our disposal, and that is why we are going to start with Bookboon.

Bookboon offers us a collection of more than 1000 eBooks focused both on the world of business and different textbooks with various topics.

In fact, one of the main reasons why we want to highlight this page is precisely because these types of books are not easy to find anywhere else, so we have at our disposal a page especially intended for university students and, of course, also for those interested in expanding their knowledge.

It should be noted that this page offers us all types of free textbooks that we can download in PDF even without the need to register, and the main objective of this platform is that students can go to university without having to spend money on textbooks, thus making teaching much more accessible.

To do this and with the aim of offering this service legally, the platform acquires these books and finances them through advertising, offering advertisers who in most cases are companies looking for students and good professionals, so that the philosophy Basically, it is that the companies themselves are the ones in charge of financing the books that any of you can download completely free of charge.

For each book you can view up to a maximum of 15% advertising, and of course you can be completely calm when using this very interesting system that can help you save a large amount of money.

As for the page, it has a very accessible and easy to understand interface, since we basically have a search bar at the top through which we will be able to locate the specific book we are looking for.

However, if our idea is to locate a textbook or business book within the different categories that we have at our disposal but we do not have any specific title or any data that could lead us to a specific book, in the On the left you will find a complete section with all the categories well organized, so that you can access any of them and, in a moment, you will have the different subcategories at your disposal with a lot of books in each of them.

The only thing we have to do is access the book in question that we want to download, click on the download button and then enter the data so that the link to carry it out is sent to us.



This is another alternative that is also highly recommended for all of you who are looking for free ebooks, since it even has a self-publishing and self-editing system for content.

Basically it is a Spanish publisher that is responsible for publishing on demand, so we will be able to find a lot of free downloads and also paid downloads.

In this case we also have a fairly accessible interface, since we have a search bar that also allows us to filter the searches so that they are carried out on the entire page or just in the store.

At the top we will have the different categories through which we can move either to search for a book or even to publish our own, and of course we remind you that, in addition to free books for which there is a specific section, you also have other books at your disposal for prices that are practically a gift.

Free ePub

Free ePub

Without a doubt, one of the platforms that stands out for having the largest number of subscribers, and it already has several tens of thousands of them.

One of its peculiarities is that it has a very extensive collection, so it is really easy to find some books that have not appeared on the other pages where we have been searching.

Of course, in this case we are going to have to register, and it should be noted that the download is done through a P2P platform using Torrent files, which means that you are going to need a program to obtain them, such as BitTorrent. .

It is true that the interface is somewhat less attractive than in the previous cases, but on the other hand it is very easy to locate any type of book through the search engine or, even, we will also have at our disposal a complete menu with all the categories in the which the different books are included.

But if we want to carry out a more specific search or we are not clear about what we need, we will also have the option to search by title, by collection, searches by author and of course also by genre.



This is another of the essential alternatives that you should save in your bookmarks, since it is one of the pages that stand out not only for having a broader catalog with all types of books from any category, but also because it is also one of the ones that They offer us higher quality for our downloads.

In total we will have more than 10.000 different books at our disposal, also including manuals, as well as a news section with which we can have at our disposal the best free eBooks.

When you enter the page you will practically not find any type of distraction, but basically you have at your disposal a search engine that includes different filters that will help you a lot to find the book or the specific topic in which you are interested.

As we said, we highlight the news section, where you will have at your disposal the latest books on all types of topics.

In any case, here we have a series of interesting details that can help us choose the most appropriate book in our case, and that is, when you have the collection of books in front of you, all you have to do is place the cursor on the mouse over the one in which you are interested, and a contextual menu will automatically appear through which you will be able to know data such as the revision, the number of pages and of course also the readers' rating, details that can help you a lot in making decisions. a decision about whether it is really the book you are interested in.

On the other hand, we will also be able to find or search for books based on the writers, genre, type, theme and a long etc., so basically we have in front of us one of the digital libraries with free books biggest of the moment.



Another free and very interesting alternative to Mil Epubs with which we will have a wide range of resources at our disposal. collection of electronic books or eBooks in Spanish.

We are going to have different alternatives to be able to find the books in which we are interested, and first of all we are going to go to the bottom half of the page where you will find four sections that are the latest books added, the most read books during this last week, the most read books during the last month and the most read books since the beginning.

This can help you find an interesting book when you don't have anything specific in mind.

Just above these sections, we will see three alternatives that allow us to find the books alphabetically based on data such as the author, genre or series.

We just have to choose one of these three and then the initial letter that matches the book we are looking for.

Obviously this is for when we are looking for very specific books or those that are within a very specific group.

At the top we are going to have another interesting section which is the most read books today, and of course we must not forget the top bar through which we are going to access a search bar that will help us locate any book based on some specific characteristic such as its title, author, genre, etc.

Just to the left of this search bar, you will see that we have a total of five icons or buttons, which have the following functions:

  • Complete list of books
  • News
  • Tutorials
  • Discussion forums
  • Log In

In short, this is another of those essential alternatives to be able to download free e-books.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg

Of course we cannot continue without recommending that you take into account the Project Gutenberg page, also with an extensive collection that is in fact considered one of the largest on the Internet in the world.

Not in vain are more and more people using it to be able to find all kinds of free books in multiple formats, which we can view online or directly download them to be able to view them offline at any time and anywhere.

However, it has a drawback that is actually quite important, and that is that it does not offer us many books in Spanish, but it can be interesting to search for books in English, Portuguese, French and other languages, ideal especially if you are studying a new language or you directly like to read books in languages ​​other than Spanish.

Its interface is not very aesthetic either, since it is somewhat outdated, but it has an interesting advantage which is the fact that its operation is very agile, being able to locate a multitude of books in different languages.

Of course we will also have a search bar where we can enter the keywords that will help us find the book we are looking for, or at least some type of book that is close to the idea we have in mind, without forgetting the categories section. where we will have at our disposal a wide collection of alternatives.

Another peculiarity is that each book comes with a QR code through which we will be able to scan and download quickly and comfortably on our devices, a quite interesting idea and one that in fact could be ideal for it to be extended among other pages such as that we have been mentioning previously, and that put at our disposal a widest catalog in Castilian literature and books in Spanish.



And of course we cannot forget one of the most prominent platforms in terms of electronic books, and that is that on Amazon we will have the possibility of finding both paid books and totally free books, and in fact we have at our disposal a lot of classic works, especially in languages ​​such as Spanish, English and French.

For this reason, we consider that it should be part of this list of alternatives to Mil Epubs with the best references through which you can expand your collection and, of course, find all those literary works, manuals, textbooks and any other genre. you're looking for, including those that are harder to find.

These are some of the main alternatives to Mil Epubs with which you will be able to enjoy a complete library with everything you need to satisfy your literary, technical or even your curiosity needs.

Download free books

Free books

A search engine that offers you a wide catalog of categories where you can find all the themes that exist, they also offer a VIP books section, in this section you must pay €29 to have lifetime access to the books in this category.

The section that may interest you the most is the "free books" section, here you can find more than 30 thousand books on all topics. From our point of view it is one of the best alternative to epublibre.

PDF books

PDF Books

Here you can download free books in PDF, it is a website that is made up of people who love reading and allows you to search by authors, titles or categories (Novels, poetry, stories or theater).



One of the best free Epubs platforms, it is highly recommended and one of the best alternatives to Downloads Quarry, On the platform you will find a list of different free ePubs of all themes and languages.