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Apps and services

WhatsApp does not work, solutions and what to do

WhatsApp is one of the most used applications worldwide. We can no longer conceive our daily lives without using it, so...

Which app to open files is the best for Android

Currently mobile devices are a very important part for users. And from them you can perform practically any task, such as...

How to use the new eMule 0.6b

Do you remember eMule? The system for downloading files with which many of us started on the Internet is renewed with a new version, the first in...

The best free widgets for your Android device

If you don't know what to do to improve the performance of your mobile device or want to access better tools, what you need are the best free Widgets for Android devices

Is it safe to use WhatsApp in 2020?

WhatsApp is a secure messaging application that has gained many loyal users. Because it's so secure, people share a lot of secret information...

Hire cheap web hosting without losing quality

The first mistake that is made when hiring a hosting service is to be guided only and exclusively by the price, there are many offers that...

Google Translate: transcribe option improves the translation experience

Enhance your Google Translate experience with real-time translation thanks to the Transcribe feature.

How to check DGT points online step by step

If you have committed violations, you can consult DGT points to know how to recover them and stay up to date with your driving license

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