How to check DGT points online step by step

Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. points cards have become an effective system to prevent negligent drivers from taking the wheel. As infractions are committed, points are subtracted. And when it reaches zero, the driving license will be revoked. There are different methods to consult DGT points and avoid losing your driving license. We are going to explain how to do it online, in the quickest and easiest way possible, step by step.

New driver? Learn about DGT points 

When you get your driver's license, you must commit to complying with and respecting all traffic regulations. However, there are situations in which accidents occur, or infractions are committed. And the person behind the wheel must take responsibility for the event that occurred. To better control this, the DGT points

La General direction of traffic, better known as DGT, has been responsible for issuing a points card. As the driver commits fouls, points are subtracted. If at any time it reaches zero, the license will be revoked. Therefore, you will not have a license to drive and will have to take some tests to obtain them again. This method has been useful in removing negligent drivers from the roads. Therefore, it is recommended to consult DGT points periodically, in case we are getting too confident and are about to lose them. 

Card for points

When assigning the points, as it is a new card, eight points are awarded. If it is valid for three years, the score will be 12. It is possible to achieve an increase of 15 points if almost no or no infractions are committed. Even so, the way in which these are subtracted varies depending on the case and the violations of each driver. 

You may notice that Some people get more points than others.. This is due to two factors. The first refers to the seriousness of the infraction committed. While the second contemplates the regularity with which the driver commits faults. For those who are very rarely involved in these situations, they usually deduct less points. You can consult DGT points to keep track. When it reaches zero, the validity of the card is eliminated, until it can be recovered with a special exam. 

Learn to consult DGT points

There are different ways to consult DGT points. The most recognized are to go to an office to find out your score, or make a phone call. But there are more practical ways to obtain this information. You only need internet access to achieve it. Enter the site and locate the option “Check your points”. It will open a portal with different entry methods

  • Cl@ve: This system allows access to different public services. And this includes the DGT. It works through a username and password. Additionally, in order to log in, you must enter the code that will be sent via text message to your mobile. Once inside, you will be able to consult all the information regarding your driving license. 
  • User and password: You can also enter using the DGT system username and password. Just enter this information to know the number of points available on your permit. 
  • miDGT App: From a mobile device you can also consult DGT points. You can install it from the App Store or Play Store. The entry works with the Cl@ve system. If you have a certificate installed on your mobile, it also works as a method to enter through this application. In addition to accessing the information on your license, you can manage everything related to your vehicle. 

Recover DGT points 

You can recover your points even if you have not reached zero. In this case, you only need to perform a re-education and road awareness course. It lasts 12 hours and a maximum of 4 points can be recovered. There is the possibility of taking this course every two years. If they are driving professionals, you can carry out re-education annually. 

DGT Points

But if it is a case where the driver lost the validity of his license, another procedure must be carried out. After the permit is revoked, you must wait six months. Driving professionals only have to wait three months. The next thing will be to carry out the 24-hour road re-education and awareness course. And finally, take a theoric exam. If approved, you will have your license again with eight points.