How to use the new eMule 0.6b

Do you remember eMule? The system for downloading files with which many of us started on the Internet is renewed with a new version, the first in 10 years. Although the file download has been relegated to the background with streaming content services such as Netflix, HBO or Amazon Prime, there are times when we need to use old movies or music that is not available on any of these platforms.

eMule arrives again ready to unseat torrent files, and it does so with the version eMule 0.6b. Taking into account that it follows the same philosophy as that of eMule that we all remember: sharing P2P files, it can be a good option to rescue on our PC. With P2P downloads, files are shared instantly between our PC and other users' PCs. To do this, eMule uses eD2K type links, which will direct you directly to a file that is shared by a network on this platform.

This is how you can use the new eMule 0.6b

if you download eMule 0.6b You will notice that it has an interface copied from the first versions of the service. If you haven't used it in years, you may feel like you've traveled in a time machine. We will notice the main changes in other planes, such as boot speed or performance improvements. For example, you'll have the option to import chunks of interrupted downloads so you don't have to start from scratch again. Likewise, you can use the HTTPS protocol. The objective is that you can download more safely, downloading servers.met or nodes.dat files.

Before you can use eMule 0.6b you will have to search forums or websites for servers that are working. In this you have to be especially careful, since you can come across fake servers that can put your PC at risk. When you have the server data, you must enter the address and port. Next, try connecting. In the case of entering, You can start searching for the files you want. Please note that the download speed will depend on the number of users who have the file on their computer.

The number of users who have the file is shown in the “Availability” section. Here you will see if they have the complete file or not. Pay attention because if you see that they have a low percentage in “Complete Sources” be suspicious. You may only end up getting chunks of the download and never have the entire file.

eMule is good for immersing yourself in a past that many miss, although it is true that if we compare it with torrents it can lose all its appeal. And torrent downloading is much faster, since many users prefer to opt for this system. Besides, you can find a more extensive catalog of files all types. To this we must add that you do not have to look for servers capable of downloading complete files. In any case, we encourage you to try eMule 0.6b and leave us your impressions in the comments section.