Tips to extend the life of your car battery

keep your vehicle In operation it requires periodic maintenance. And the car battery It is one of the components where the most attention should be paid. It is the key element to start your engine when passing the road. Without this, no electrical energy will pass to the starter, which interferes with its ignition. 

Car battery care, extends its useful life 

To start your car, it's not just about having fuel in the tank. It is a complete system that depends on other factors to achieve its correct functioning. Here the presence of the car battery stands out, a key element about which you must pay great attention. It doesn't mean that the rest of the vehicle isn't important, but it still maintains some relevance over other parts. 

The battery is responsible for provide electrical power to the car to start the engine. In addition, it supports the alternator, facilitating the electrical supply to other components. So you can easily notice that if it suffers any damage, the vehicle will have difficulty starting.  

Keeping your car stopped will eventually cause other parts to stop working properly. This is the reason why regular maintenance on the battery is recommended. In this way, we ensure its condition and at the same time extends its useful life. If done correctly, can last three to five years with total normality. And without the risk of suffering an accident on the road. 

Although it is a very important electrical component, many users do not pay much attention to it. After one or two years or less, faults will be found, which can affect the rest of the vehicle. All this results in unnecessary expenses for car maintenance. Something that can be avoided if it is checked in time. 

Tips to extend the life of your car battery 

If you neglect the condition of your car battery, when you least expect it, your vehicle will fail. Which will prevent you from keeping it running. Changing this component every time it is damaged is considered an unnecessary expense. Many are unaware that it is possible Perform regular maintenance to extend battery life. You can go up to five years without changing it and without problems. With some tips, you will know how to take care of it properly: 

Check the terminals regularly 

It is common that, due to the vibration of the car while driving, the cables become loose. You should always check that they are properly adjusted. Besides, Check that there is no rust on the terminals. or are damaged. This will create false contacts, making it difficult to supply power. In the long run, it will affect the useful life of the car battery, causing more serious damage. 

Avoid turning the vehicle on and off on short trips 

If you consider it essential to start your vehicle on a journey that is too short, try not to turn it off and on again after a short time. Let it rest before restarting the engine. One of the biggest uses of energy that the car battery makes is starting the vehicle. 

Keep other electrical components off when the engine is off 

If the engine is not running, but the lights or radio remain on, you can discharge the battery easily. Make sure everything is turned off and let your car rest for a while. This will help keep it in good condition for a long time. 

Check the load regularly 

It will be necessary to have on hand a multimeter and that the vehicle is turned off. Verify that they maintain a voltage greater than nine. If it is less, it may discharge and affect its useful life. 

Do not force the engine to start 

As it was mentioned already, this is one of the biggest battery drains. If you pass the key and the vehicle doesn't start the first time, let it rest for a moment. If you insist too many times in a row, you will only cause the battery to discharge quickly. And over time, this will progressively wear her down.