Input and output devices of a computer

When we discovered the wonders we could do through a computer, we thought it was a kind of technology that was only reserved for a few. Fortunately, these times have passed and everything that could be done in a PC, now we can also execute it from the palm of the hand through a smartphone.

input and output devices of a computer

However, the computers They still have a lot of life, and with the help of some plugins we can enhance this incredible computer tool. Now we will tell you what the input and output devices of a PC, trying to describe what they are for and what their functionality is.

What are the input and output devices of a computer?

Regardless of whether it is a desktop computer or a laptop, Input and output devices are tools that we can use, which allow us to enhance the functions of a PC.

Now, if we wanted to describe them, this type of complements fulfill an important function, since They are the means by which we can communicate our PC. In this way, I/O (input/output) devices are the practical way with which we can ask the computer to perform an action, such as increasing the database, interacting with another device or extracting data to share it.

It should also be noted that These peripherals have a physical support, usually rigid, that allows us to interact with them. Likewise, these accessories allow you to enhance the qualities of your computer.

Finally, this hardware (as it is also known) has different functionalities, depending on whether they are input or output (input u output by its English designation). Thus, input devices have functionality to increase and interact with the information in the operating system; while output devices are intended to make a copy or recovery of information, as well as facilitate projection.

Main input devices

input device examples

The input device can be defined as a unit that transmits information to the PC.. Some of the most important supplies are:

  •  Keyboard. Essential hardware for communication with our computer. This device performs a really important function, since you can also enter, add information or execute various functions. A peripheral of great historical relevance, since before the appearance of this device, the only way to communicate was through punched cards.
  •  Mouse or Mouse. Another input device that was a revolution is the mouse. This peripheral allows interaction with the PC through a pointer that can be manipulated, from one side to the other, through the simplified use of a pair of buttons and a wheel. Its functionality is essential, since it practically allows the execution of all computer functions.
  •  Camera. At the beginning, very few computers made use of cameras. But, with the passage of time, this type of peripherals have revalidated their importance. And, after allowing the transmission and capture of images and video, even over the Internet, they have also become security and scanning mechanisms to verify information.
  • Microphone. In the era of videos, social networks and podcasts, the microphone has become a fundamental accessory. In itself, this peripheral is an electronic acoustic transducer; and its function is simple, although complex in its execution: that of converting acoustic vibrations into sound that can be recorded. And the best thing is that there are microphones for all types of needs and conditions.
  •  USB joystick or Joystick. Specifically for use with video games, the joystick It is the perfect complement to interact and entertain ourselves on our computer for long hours.
  •  Optical pencil. Ideal for drawing or architecture, the stylus allows us to move and note objects that can be demonstrated using a monitor. Perhaps its technology can be assimilated to the use of a touch screen; although the characteristics of these terminals are more precise and exact.
  •  Scanner. Finally, we have scanners, which allow the reading of information, through the use of a laser. These devices can be connected via USB or wireless connection, and allow the transmission of information quickly and easily.

Output devices

examples of output devices

On the other hand, output devices, contrary to input devices, They do not allow the sending of information to the PC and their main function is to be receivers.. Taking into account this, they only allow the export of information from the computer to other devices or formats. These are the main output peripherals:

  • Monitor. This is another of the essential peripherals for the operation of a PC; since on this device all the operations and interactions carried out with the computer can be shown. And, along with the keyboard and mouse, they are essential accessories for using the computer.
  • Printer. The printer has an auxiliary complement function, and its main objective is to obtain a copy, through a printed document, of some text or image. Meanwhile, its operation requires the use of sheets, ink cartridges or laser.
  • Speakers and headphones. This pair of peripherals are what allow us to appreciate the music that can be stored on a computer. The difference between each one is that the speakers allow you to generate an acoustic environment and the other is an individual sound reproduction system.
  • Projector. As the name indicates, the project was designed to project images, texts and videos, from the source with the highest fidelity possible.
  • Mixed devices

Finally, we will only make a brief mention about the mixed devices. And they are designated this way because they can operate both output and input. And some examples of these are storage units (such as USB, Hard Drive or compact disc), modems y routers.

So now that you know everything you need to know about input and output devices, We invite you to purchase the accessories you need and Get the most out of your PC.