Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, details you didn't know

Since childhood, the characters of Dragon Ball Z They have been very present in our lives due to the fame they have achieved. As if that were not enough, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, has arrived to keep the flame of passion burning red hot. Indeed, it is a game launched to remember the best of the original series and the adventures of Son Goku. 

Being one of the most recent games, it seeks to emulate the success of past titles such as those associated with the Budokai game saga. Furthermore, he is called to completely revolutionize games of this style, so his aspiration is very great. In case you don't know much about it, below you will learn more about the topic.

A sneak peek at everything Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot!

Akira Toriyama is the one who has been credited with the creation of this mangaanime for quite some time. He never imagined the media impact it would cause, to the point of serving as spearhead for games like this one in question. 

In charge of development is CyberConnect2, allied with Bandai Namco for distribution throughout the globe. Thanks to them, its launch was possible in January 2020, achieving its first positive reviews since then. 

The game is available for PC, Xbox and PS4, incorporating the best technologies in terms of gameplay. In fact, it takes a complete turn in this aspect, encompassing a fresher and freer modality. 

In that sense, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot explores the world of RPG, where the user creates their own player. By virtue of this and, as the game's story progresses, he will establish a relationship with the usual Z Warriors. 

Likewise, Akira Toriyama was personally supervising the project. In addition to this, he was in charge of adding technical details to the plot, with the aim of turning this game into that “something” different. 

Browse through the awesomeness this game has to offer!

This particular Dragon Ball Z game is worth summarizing in a series of key aspects that will be told below. That way, you will be completely convinced once you finish reading every detail. 

RPG mode

The main novelty of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, is that its gameplay is now more open and decentralized. Now, it is possible to manage every aspect of the game and what it includes through its role-playing mode. 

That is, you will be able to freely explore each map, corner or establishment added to the game. Also, hunting, fishing and relationships with other characters will be unlocked as interaction or complementary. 

It's not just fighting anymore

A good Dragon Ball game must be based on the possibility of offering attractive details regarding its fighting mode. Since the series is explicitly based on this type of combat, the game cannot be the exception. Nevertheless, This time it gives a different approach to hook the user. 

Now, it's no longer about paying attention to button combinations or gaining an advantage by knowing the tricks of the game. Instead, the fights have become more realistic, taking other factors into consideration.

A more energetic plot

While it is true that Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot explores the same plot as the rest of the games, this time it takes a complete turn. Although I narrate the events from Goku's beginnings, It has a deeper and better managed perspective.

That is, thanks to its new interface and game development, the story is now told from the vision of all the characters. That way, you will see it from every possible angle without missing a single point.