Why are frequency inhibitors so controversial?

Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. frequency inhibitors, are devices intended to cause signal interference for the purposes of fullfilment of security requirements or personal. Generally, this type of tool is only permitted for government use or for police, tactical and strategic use.

It is precisely at that point where the part of the controversy surrounding these devices lies. Although, in general terms, are not protected by law, they are not too difficult to obtain. Probably, at some point you could have been a victim of one, just when you were passing through a town hall or a police station, without realizing it. 

Computer noise and frequency inhibitors. What do these devices consist of?

Like most products on the market, signal or frequency jammers come in different sizes and shapes. Some, They are as big as a desktop computer; while others fit inside any minimal case.

Whatever the case, this type of inhibitor has the unique premise of interfering with information transmission signals. They are capable of intervening in communications or in any remote control system, such as, for example, the alarm and safety of a car. 

Generally, They are used for military or police purposes along with the protection of government entities. For this reason, it is very common for mayors or town halls to interfere with nearby telephone or internet connection signals.

Each of these frequency inhibitors executes a simple procedure to carry out its function. They, generate the so-called noise or computer saturation, resulting in the abrupt interruption of the true signal.

Depending on their frequency and range, they use a system or circuit whose brain is a wave oscillator. This is responsible for initializing the process for interference, magnified by a series of antennas or signal transmitters.

Is it possible to buy a frequency jammer today?

The law is quite clear and categorical regarding the use of this type of devices on a daily basis. Despite being tools with enormous police and tactical use, There are those who distort this premise, using them to commit improper acts. 

Even so, on the Internet, buying and selling signal inhibitors is not a very difficult procedure. As mentioned above, it is not that complicated to get one of these tools, you just need to search properly.

Of course, the ideal is not to fall into controversy with the law already stipulated, but there will always be someone who goes further. Frequency inhibitors range from 100 to more than 7000 euros in the online market.

However, according to the legal statutes of the European Union under telecommunications, illegal possession of them is punishable. The full weight of the law will be applicable to those who market, import, export or count, in a manner infraganti, with a signal inhibitor. 

Even fines of more than 60 thousand euros have been registered to those who carry an inhibitor of this type. Without a doubt, it is better to think twice before falling red-handed. 

The correct use of signal inhibitors: practical cases of these devices

Just as in the wrong hands jammers can be a powerful tool, they are also powerful when used correctly. In that sense, the law protects that certain sectors of the public administration, such as universities and the police, can use them.

Tactical and police-military use

Using a frequency inhibitor, It is possible to interfere with enemy communication and strategy. In turn, they are used to prevent the remote activation of bombs or other types of material that threaten life. 

New ally of universities

With the advent of technology, many students take advantage of certain methods to be favored in the academic field. In this field, inhibitors cut any external links, so that the referee does not carry out illegal cheats or tricks.

Ideal factor for town halls

Government entities have frequency jammers to protect themselves from physical or cyber attacks. For example, turn off any remote signals that could disable your alarms. At the same time, they reduce the risk of information traffic over the Internet, interfering with any Wi-Fi signal close.