Fuente de alimentación

In order to function, a computer requires a power supply. Today we are going to get to know this better hardware element through which we will power all our equipment.

What is the power supply of a computer

What is a power supply

Many times we do not pay enough attention to the power supply of our equipment, but in reality, much of its performance It can depend on her.

The power supply is responsible for distribute electricity to all hardware components from our PC, and although it seems that it is a simple action and without much importance, in reality it has much more relevance than we imagine, since it is not just an element that transmits electricity, and much less can we compare it with the power supplies of other devices.

We must start from the basis that a computer works with DC, and that is why the power supply is responsible for converting the alternating current continuously, a process without which we could not enjoy our computer equipment.

However, it is important to keep in mind that not all equipment works well with the same power supply, since in the market we will find several options and depending on the hardware of our team We will have to install a different font.

How to choose a power supply

Now let's analyze which one is the best power supply for our team.

One of the most important differentiating characteristics of power supplies is their power, ie the amount of watts (W) that can contribute to our system. Therefore, depending on the components that we have installed and the best before date that they require, we must choose a power source that is most adapted to them.

How much More powerful Be it our device, it will require a power supply with greater power, while if we are talking about a device with integrated graphics card on the motherboard and a simple processor We need less power.

However, this is where the question arises as to what type of power supply we should purchase for our PC.

It must be taken into account that always we will add the consumption of each of the components, which obviously will not always be stable, but each one of them indicates the maximum consumption that it can reach if it works at maximum performance.

Well, the sum of all these elements plus a small percentage will be the power that we will need for our power supply.

For example, if all the elements add up to 600 W, a good idea would be to purchase a 750 W power supply. Let's not forget that the more powerful it is, the more likely we are to spend a excess electricity.

However, we should not fall short either since the components would not be well powered, and if in the future we replace some of the hardware elements, we may be forced to also change the power supply because it requires greater power. .

La power supply It is a much more important part of our PC than we think, but it is often the one in which we invest the least, so not only can the rest of the components be in danger but we can also end up enjoying performance well below normal. what our team would offer us. For that reason we are going to give a series of Tips for choosing a power supply for your PC through which we will try to help you choose an appropriate way.

Tips for choosing a power supply for your PC

The shape of the PC power supply

First of all, we are obviously going to take into account the shape and size, and depending on the box we have chosen, we may be forced to adapt this piece to its shapes and dimensions.

Most power supplies have a measurement of 150 × 140 × 85 mm, but of course we will also be able to find many other longer, smaller and special shaped models.

Choose the power of the power supply

Of course it is also essential that we get the chosen power right, and in that sense we are going to have to calculate very well the consumption of all the components of our equipment.

That is, what we are going to do is add the consumption of each component, and the resulting amount will be the minimum to be considered.

Above all, we must take into account the consumption of the microprocessor, the graphics card and the hard drives that we plan to install inside.

Tips for choosing a power supply for your PC b

To give you an idea, below we indicate the usual consumption depending on the type of equipment we are installing:

  • Office equipment: about 400 W will be enough.
  • media equipment: in these cases we will go up to 600 W.
  • Work station: at least we must have 750 W.
  • gaming equipment: and finally, gaming computers must have a minimum of 850 W, although sometimes we will have to expand even up to 1200 W.

In any case, it is essential that you add up the consumption that we indicated before, and of course it is important to get rid of the idea that the more watts a power supply has, the better it is, since the materials with which it has been manufactured play an essential role.

Check the energy efficiency of the power supply

Finally, we are also going to pay attention to energy efficiency, for which, for several years now, a certification called 80+ which allows us to know said efficiency.

Therefore, it is necessary that we note that it includes the seal which indicates that at least 80% (and up to 96%) of the energy consumed is being directed to the internal components. We cannot forget that the rest is lost as heat, so those power supplies that do not have this seal will be wasting more electricity on heat.