How to log in to Hotmail

Sign in to Hotmail It is something that many of us have been doing for many years. In the beginning of the service, logging in was as simple as entering your email account @ in the corresponding box and enter the password.

With a very simple process you could access the email inbox. But Hotmail has undergone many changes in recent years. So many changes that the login page is completely different from what you could see before.

How to log in to

Microsoft has made many changes. Back in 2012 it began to change its mail service, known as MSN Hotmail or Live Hotmail, to turn it into the Outlook, as can be seen today.

Not only have they invited users to make use of the new termination @outlook in their email accounts, they have also been forced to move to the new email service interface. Something inevitable after so many years of adaptation by Microsoft.

Right now it is impossible to create a Microsoft email account other than using Outlook. But all these changes have not affected the fact that it is still possible to access the old email. This is how users can still log into the service to send or read their emails.

If at any time you left Hotmail but want resume contact with the platform, don't be alarmed by all the changes that have been made. Visually it has been modified quite a bit, adapting to a new interface, but the background of Outlook is very similar to that of the pioneering email service.

How to log in to Hotmail

Logging in to Hotmail is really simple, and is still practically the same process that has always been followed to log in in any web service. website

Getting access to the email service is as simple as following these steps:

  • Access the official page of the mail service
  • Press the button Log in that you can see on the screen.
  • You will be redirected to the page Live, from where you can log in by writing your Hotmail email address. When filling out this field, it is important to enter the full address, ending with
  • Click the "Next" button.
  • Finally, enter the password for your email account and press the “Sign in” button.

When the page finishes loading you will be able to see your email inbox. You have managed to log in! You can now read and write emails, as well as browse your inboxes as you always have.

How to log in to Hotmail from a mobile

Since the smartphones took over the world, it is impossible to ignore the process to access a service through a mobile terminal. But the truth is that there is not much mystery.

Using a web browser on the device you can follow the same process described above. Simply access the Hotmail website and enter your account information to be able to access your email inbox.

To facilitate the use of its service on mobile devices, there is a official outlook app for mobile devices. In it you can perform the same tasks as on the web, although with the convenience of only having to click to open the service.

If you want to log in through the mobile application, simply open the app and fill out the "username" and "password" fields with the email address and password designated for it, respectively.

How to create an email account in Hotmail

You now know how to sign in to the Microsoft email service. Log in allows users to access the tray input to read and send emails, in addition to being able to access all the functions offered by the service.

To access it you need to have a Hotmail account. If you do not have one, it can be created very easily.

Sign in to Hotmail

Although the e-mail service is now called Outlook, it is still possible to create accounts ending with, as well as and These addresses can be chosen when creating the account, displaying a small list with the different options available.

Unfortunately the addresses and are no longer available to create new accounts, although they can continue to access the service like everyone else.

Would you like create an email account in Hotmail? The process is just as simple as the one we have shown previously. Simply follow the steps shown below:

  • Access the service website through
  • Click on the blue button «create free account«.
  • A new screen will open. Under Create Account You will have to indicate a new email address, as well as the termination.
  • If that email address is not in use, you can press the "Next" button to continue with the registration process.
  • Now you will have to enter the password. You will use this password to access the inbox and it must be sufficiently secure. When you have created it, click on "Next".

Are you afraid that your password is not secure enough? We show you some secure and easy to remember passwords in this article.

  • Once you enter your email and password, Microsoft will request some personal information that must be filled out. It is necessary to indicate names, surnames, country and date of birth.
  • After entering personal information, a 'captcha'. Simply enter the letters and/or numbers that appear in the image to prove that you are not a muzzle and be able to finish the account creation process.

That's all! By clicking "Next" after entering the captcha The inbox of your new email account will open. You can now start writing messages to all your contacts through your new email address.

How to change your Hotmail password

A password is very important for any service. It is the gateway to it, and it is also the main security method. If the password is simple or easy to guess, the information you store in Hotmail may be compromised (emails, attachments, and more).

It is very important that the password is secure. To achieve this you have to combine upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. In this way it is made very difficult for anyone hacker get the Password.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that, despite having a secure password, hackers can obtain access data through false pages, using the Phishing. This also puts the information within the account at risk.

It does not matter if at the time of registration you have chosen simple or easy-to-discover data (for example, your first and last name, or your date of birth), or if your access data has been captured through techniques such as Phishing. You change hotmail password easily at any time.

To change the Hotmail password you must do the following:

  • Log in in the Microsoft email service.
  • Click on your photo profile and click on the option "See account".
  • Under your email address, in your profile data, you will have to click on the link «Change Password«.
  • Finally, you will have to enter your current password and then write the new password that you want to use in the service, in addition to validating it by writing it again in the box below.

With this simple process you have completed the password change from your Hotmail account. Now, every time you go to log in to Hotmail you will have to use the new access data to be able to access your inbox.

What do I do if I have forgotten my Hotmail password?

If you have forgotten your password to log in to Hotmail Don't feel guilty or stupid. It happens to everyone at some point with so many passwords to remember for different services. If you don't use a password manager, forgetting a password is the most common thing in the world.

But don't remember one Password It does not mean that you cannot access the service. As in all services that require a username and password, you can always "recover" the latter through a certain process they offer.

Forgotten password

In the case of the service mail from Microsoft, the entire process is carried out from the same web page from which the user's account is accessed. That is, since

How do I recover a Hotmail password? If you have forgotten your Hotmail password, follow these steps:

  • Access the service website.
  • Enter your email address, the same way as when you log in.
  • Instead of entering the password, click on the link "I forgot my password", below the box to write the Password.
  • Select the “I have forgotten my password” option and click next.
  • Write the characters that appear in the captcha and press next.
  • Select the option you want to have a security code sent to you, it can be to your alternative email address or to your phone number through a call or SMS.
  • When you receive the security code, you will have to enter it in the box and then choose a new password (it cannot be the same one you used previously).

This way you can regain access to your email account, and at the same time designate a new password that will allow you to log in whenever you want.

Error logging into Hotmail, how do I fix it?

Microsoft's email service is a veteran. It has been operating for almost as many years as the Internet itself. However, all this journey does not save you from sometimes seeing how some of your users cannot log in.

Some errors may occur that do not allow your users to access the service. What can be done in these cases? ¿How to fix an error logging into Hotmail?

The first thing to know is that there may be several reasons why email cannot be accessed. One of the main reasons, and completely unrelated to the service, is that access data is entered incorrectly.

Therefore it is important to ensure that the username and password are correct. You would be surprised how common it is to have problems from this cause.

If you remember your password but still have trouble logging in, make sure the key Caps LOCK is not pressed. This key makes everything you write in uppercase, and the service differentiates between lowercase and uppercase so they will not be the same access data.

Another very common reason is that there is no Internet access. This means that the network may be down or that you are connected but without Internet access. If this happens, of course, you will not be able to access the service since you need to be connected to the network to be able to access it.

If you have recently changed your password to a new one, try logging in with the old password. If you get access to the service Email make sure to lock the device. When unlocking it, do it with the new password. This way you will get rid of the old service password.

From now on you can use the last password chosen.

Sign in to Hotmail in two steps

The mail is something very personal and being careful with it is essential for many people. If you do not use passwords that are really strong, or it is possible that there are people who have discovered your password and you do not want to change it, you can always use other methods to protect your Hotmail account.

One of the ways to keep a Hotmail email account secure is to use the two-step login. This is a method that many services have implemented in recent years and adds extra security when it comes to keeping access to the account only for you.

Hotmail two-step verification

What is two-step verification?

Basically it is a system in which, in addition to having to enter the password for your email account, you will have to indicate a code that will arrive on your mobile device to confirm that you are the owner of the account and that you want to log in. .

In order to activate two-step verification on the account you will have to follow this simple process:

  1. Go to Hotmail and log in to your email account.
  2. Click on your profile photo and go to “View account”, a new window will open in which you will have to scroll until you find the “Security” option, you can also write this address in your browser: https://account
  3. Access the option Two step verification.
  4. 4 options will appear on the screen, go to “More security options” and click “Explore”.
  5. A new window will open, there you will have to go to the “Two-Step Verification” option.
  6. Choose Set up two-step verification to activate this feature in your account. If you want to deactivate it, you will have to click on Deactivate two-step verification.
  7. Microsoft will require you to download the Microsoft Authenticator app in order to enable this security feature. The codes will arrive in this application to verify your identity when you want to access the service.

You now have two-step verification enabled on your Hotmail account. Every time you try to log in on a new device you will receive a message on your mobile with the code that you will have to enter in addition to your password.

Add members to your Hotmail account with the family group

Maintaining a Microsoft account but offering the services to different people is something that can be very useful, especially when it comes to being able to monitor and protect the internet use of the little ones.

You can create a family group in Hotmail thanks to the features of the Microsoft account.

The first thing you will have to do is access Hotmail and log in to your account on the email platform. Once done, head to the top right corner of the screen and click on your profile photo. In the profile that is displayed you will have to click on “View account”.

A new screen will appear. There you will have to click on “Add member” within the “Family” section that appears on the screen. Now you will be able to find two different options on the screen.

Choose whether you want to create a family group with a minor or an adult. Depending on the option you choose, you will have some options or others when dealing with these accounts in the family group.

When you have chosen, enter your Hotmail email address and then click on the “Send request” button. The people you invite to the family group must have their own Hotmail accounts to be part of it.

Once done, all that remains is to wait for the other person to accept the invitation to the family group, by clicking on the link that will be sent to your Hotmail email account.

Enter without logging in to Hotmail

If you always use the same device to access your Outlook/Hotmail account, it can become very annoying to have to enter your login information every time you want to access your inbox.

Fortunately, Hotmail has a feature that allows you to avoid having to log in every time you want to access the service. What do you have to do? Simply indicate that you want to remain logged in on the device.

Keep logged in Hotmail

How do you keep the session logged in? All you have to do is go to the Hotmail website and go to the login section. There you will have to indicate your data again (email and password). Just below the password, and above the “Login” button, you can see a box that you will have to check to keep logged in.

By doing so you will be able to see how the service no longer requests access data every time you enter the Hotmail website.

Risks of staying logged in

Keeping the session logged in has the great advantage of not having to waste time when you want to make a quick check of the emails that have arrived. However, it has its risks.

Preventing anyone from accessing your emails is something essential to protect privacy, however with this feature enabled it can be somewhat complicated. And now the access data is not needed to be able to enter the inbox of your Hotmail account.

Of course, this only happens on your device. That is, anyone who has access to the computer that remembers your access information will be able to log into your Hotmail account if you have enabled this box.

For that reason, it is recommended that this only be done on a personal computer, to which only you have access. Doing it on a public computer or one that can be accessed by several people is “suicide” to the privacy of your account.”

Change Hotmail account

Do you want to change the account that is logged in to the Hotmail email platform? If you are already logged in to the website and want to use your Hotmail account on your computer, you will first have to log out to be able to start with a different account.

To be able to log out of a Hotmail account you will have to go to the platform's website. Since there is already a session started, the inbox of the account that has not been closed will appear. Go to the top right corner of the screen and click on the name or profile photo. In the menu, click “Sign Out.”

When you click on the log out button, Hotmail will directly launch you outside the website. Now you can log in with the account you want in the service. Click “Sign in” and enter your account details, Hotmail email address and password. When you have done so, simply press the blue “Sign in” button.

Now you can see how, if you have entered the login details correctly, the inbox displayed on the screen is that of your Hotmail account.