What is a NAS and what is it for?

Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. new formats lead us to look for new storage systems with greater capacity and that offer better power.

At the same time, technologies also advance to the point where we want, sooner or later, create an information network within our own home. Therefore today we are going to talk about the NAS, an option to take into account that can be of very useful in our office or even in our home.

What is a NAS and what is it for?

What is a NAS

A NAS es a system through which we can store a large amount of data that will be accessible through a Network that may be public or private.

In a certain way and so that we understand each other, it is about one or several hard drives which we can access from any equipment that is connected to them by cable or through a wireless system.

But one of the particularities that the current NAS is that in addition to connecting our computers We will also have the possibility of accessing these hard drives directly from our smart phones y Tablets, as well as from our own TV or any other device with which we want to share.

What are NAS used for?

As we mentioned in the previous section, a NAS It will help us to have specific information available to any device.

This can be very useful, for example, to have all our movies on a series of hard drives and access them from any device in our home, always being able to have our entire collection at hand without having to transport hard drives or transfer information between devices.

What is a NAS and what is it for?

However, this is not the only utility that the NAS, but we can also add documents that we will have the possibility of editing and modifying from several devices at the same time. That is to say, if, for example, we are in an office and several of us are going to work with the same document, forgetting to make a copy cannot represent a horrible waste of time and effort. In this way we will always work on a the only file that will remain immovable in its storage.

Thirdly we have another fantastic utility what is the possibility of schedule backups. On some occasion you will have lost very valuable information because you did not have a backup copy of it. From now on, with a NAS network system This is going to go down in history, since we can include several hard drives inside (there are simple units with few hard drives by much more complete ones for those who need to handle a lot of information) so that the information will be stored by certain people and the backup will be carried out automatically and without our intervention in the rest of the hard drives.

Therefore, in the event that a hard drive fails we will always be able to recover information from those that have been destined to Backup, in addition to the fact that it is obviously such a simple process that we are not even going to have to be part of it.

It should be noted that currently we find NAS complete and other models that we can assemble and customize on our own. In this sense, we recommend that you do a little research and find the one that best suits your needs.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of Network Attached Storage?

It is recommended above all for large storage volumes, this type of server allows entry to people who are part of it RED, has a similar function to that of the cloud but in a more secure way, since third parties cannot access the information and they are usually more difficult to hack.

Regarding the disadvantages We could say that the main one is that being a physical device we run the risk of it breaking down and losing all the stored data, although to solve this we can opt for a personal cloud where store all backups.

Another disadvantage is its price since they are usually expensive but there is a time when if your company or project grows due to security issues it is highly recommended to opt for the NAS.