How to create an account on Instagram

Instagram It is the social network with the greatest growth ever seen. A site where millions of users share photos and stories with their friends and followers throughout the world.

How to create an Instagram account

We can also be part of the instagram community, a different social network in which the most important thing is the images. A place where those who like photography have a place, but also those who have fun using and creating effects to decorate their images, regardless of whether they are focused on being pretty or fun.

In order to become part of this community, all you have to do is create an account on Instagram and have the application installed on our mobile phone. This takes a few minutes and anyone can do it without difficulty.

How to create an account on Instagram

Register on Instagram from the web

Instagram, despite being born as a mobile app, also has a web version. It is a site practically identical to the application. In it you can see the publications and stories of all the users we follow, and in the same way as in the app we can discover new content and 'Like' publications.

The big difference between the website and the instagram apps is that cannot publish content, can only be used to view it. Although this does not prevent us from being able to create an account on the social network.

Create an Instagram account

For create an Instagram account From the service's website, simply access There we will see a form in which a telephone number, username or email and a password are requested. These data are necessary if we want to log in, but before doing so we will have to create the account. To do so, just below the form, there is a small link that reads "Don't have an account?" Sign up".

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After clicking the link we will see a new window with a new form. Some information is requested. We will have to enter our mobile phone number or an email address (only one of them is necessary), our full name, the username we want to use (which will be the one other users use to find us) and a password.

When we have completed the form with all the information requested we will have to press the button Sign up so that the account is created and we can start enjoying the benefits of Instagram.

Create an Instagram account

There is another method to be able to create an account using Facebook. Just push the button Log in with Facebook. Then we will have to use the data from our Facebook account and allow access to the instagram app.

Finally we will have to choose a username and we will be able to use the social network without having to indicate any more information. Now, every time we want to log in, we will have to use this button to access our account.

Sign up for Instagram from the app

The most common way to create a Instagram account is to do it directly from the application. To do this we will need to install the Instagram app on our device, something that we will have to do at one time or another to be able to use the app. social network.

Download Instagram

For download Instagram Just go to your favorite application store. Regardless of whether you are a user of iPhone or Android, You can find the app in the app store. Just do a quick search on it.

Download Instagram

Go to the search engine and write “Instagram”. You will see in the results several applications with a similar design, but only the one that limits its name to "Instagram", and is signed by Instagram Inc. It is the official application.

Tap on the search result and click the button Install so that the download of the application begins so we can continue with the process of creating our account.

In the event that we cannot find the app, or we are not sure if it is the official one or not, just click on the links below to be able to go directly to the app section in the corresponding application stores.

Create an account in the app

Once we have downloaded the instagram app On our mobile or tablet we will have to open the app.

The first time we open it we will find that we can log in (if we already have an account), register using Facebookregister with our email or phone number.

Create an Instagram account

In the event that we choose Facebook All you have to do is log in with an account from the social network. Both accounts are linked and we will always log in through that means.

If we choose to register with an email address or a phone number we will see a new screen appear with two tabs. A tab allows us create an Instagram account with our email. All we will have to do is enter an email address and a password. We will have to do the same, although with the phone number instead of the email, if we prefer to use our phone number to log in to the social network. In any case, we will only need one of the two methods to be able to create an account.