Why it is necessary to invest in paid campaigns in your E-commerce

The SEM, in English Search Engine Marketing, is based on marketing campaigns developed in search engines or web pages. These types of campaigns are advantageous for ecommerce, since they manage to capture quality traffic in an effective way, while increasing the online visibility of a business quickly. To carry out this type of campaign properly, it may be advisable to hire a online marketing agency in Barcelona.

Below we address some of the main reasons why it is worth investing in paid campaigns if you have a Ecommerce.

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Unlike SEO, the results obtained through SEM are immediate.. For this reason, we will perceive the results and the return on investment from the first moment, which is why it is usually a very profitable way to obtain benefits in the short and medium term.

Increase web traffic

All SEM campaigns They are aimed at getting more visits to a website, whether with the aim of selling a product, improving our digital image or making ourselves known to potential clients. Thus, It may be beneficial to work with some Google Adwords agency, with which to increase our visits in a short period of time.

Custom budget

Another of the main benefits of SEM It has to do with the economic aspect, since with this we can control the budget at all times. Thus, With an SEM campaign it is possible to decide from the maximum budget you want to spend on the campaign, how much you will invest daily or the maximum you want to pay for each click.. Likewise, another reason to invest in SEM is that the owners of the E-commerce They only have to pay when the user clicks on the ad.


Another reason why it is advisable to invest in SEM if you have an E-commerce is that it allows a high level of segmentation based on variables such as sex, territory, language or age, for example.. In this way, you can reach the target audience of a business in a much faster and easier way.

Dynamic and customizable

An SEM campaign allows great dynamism, since at any point in its development we can stop it, change the type of ad, vary the segmentation or modify the budget. In this sense, SEM campaigns are very profitable, since you can get the most out of each action.


An SEM campaign offers many possibilities to measure its results, while offering a lot of information about the profile of an E-commerce customer. This way, through SEM audits We can know what type of ads connect with our potential client, what the keywords are, the position our ads have reached, etc..  

Different ad formats

From the information obtained, we can select the type of advertisement that will best connect with our target. So, We can choose from a wide variety of formats such as, for example, text ads, creatives in video format or GIFs on display.

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