5 applications to quit smoking in less than 7 days

Tobacco seriously harms health, but it is a fact how difficult it is to quit completely. Today there are several techniques to smoke less, but few of them work. That is why we have thought that it can help you a lot to know a series of quit smoking apps, which offer us important support and that is why we recommend you choose the one that best suits the system you have decided to use to say goodbye to the problematic little tube.

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What are the best apps to quit smoking?

do you know how many health applications exist? We can assure you that hundreds. Therefore, it is important to know which are the best in order to get results quickly and not waste your time.

Quit smoking assistant

This is one of the best applications to quit smoking, in fact it has almost 100.000 reviews on Google Play. The most characteristic thing about this app is that it has an intuitive interface. As soon as you enter it you will be able to see a control panel, where you can see your progress. In addition, it allows you to know the health you have recovered by having stopped smoking.

Google Play - Quit smoking assistant



We begin with kwit, one of the best applications to quit smoking that we can install directly on our smartphones and tablets with Android operating system.

It is a very useful tool with which we will be able to motivate ourselves while we will see some important improvements for our health and pocket.

The process is based on a series of levels that we must overcome, thanks to which we will earn points and improve our rating. What you are trying to do is convert the process of give up smoking in a game, and the best of all is that we can access interesting statistics such as knowing the exact time (even seconds) that we have gone without smoking, how much money we have saved, what has improved our health, etc.

Google Play - kwit



QuitNow! is one of the quit smoking apps most downloaded on Google Play. This is another very interesting option and in fact perhaps the most popular of all. It is also available for Android e iOS, and one of its main advantages is that it is a great community through which we can receive all the support we need to stop smoking.

Of course we will also be able to control some important and motivating statistics such as the time we have not smoked, the cigarettes we have not smoked, the money we have managed to save and of course what is perhaps the most important of all: how our health has improved since that we make the decision.

Below we leave you the link to download this application that you can install and use completely free of charge.

Google Play - Quit smoking – QuitNow!, Fewlaps

Smoking Time Machine

Smoking Time Machine

But if you are looking for something more forceful, Smoking Time Machine It puts all the points on the i's by focusing fundamentally on the havoc that tobacco will wreak on us if we continue smoking.

It is an application that fundamentally seeks to raise awareness of the harmfulness of smoking, offering us the possibility of seeing how the skin on our face will change over time if we do not solve the issue.

Of course it also offers us complete statistics about the money that we will save, the improvement that our breathing will have experienced, we will receive messages of support and in general we will have an efficient companion by our side who will avoid many problems in the future.


Flamy is one of the best-known smoking cessation apps today, thanks in large part to how easy it is to use. Furthermore, this app will provide you with the best path for you to leave said vice. In addition, you will be able to see your evolution, since every day that you don't smoke your health will improve, and Flamy will make sure you see it to motivate you.

Finally, it should be noted that this application carry out an analysis of your situation to look for those moments in which you most want to smoke, and consequently they will show you how to avoid these moments.

Google Play - flamy