How to create a Hotmail account

Need create a Hotmail account to be able to use it in your work, studies or in your personal life? Hotmail is one of the most used email assistants in the world, and it is no surprise to us. An easy-to-use interface, a good spam filter and a fail-safe account make it a good option.

Do you want to know everything you need to know about this platform? Pay attention to this post because we tell you everything you need to know.

When was Hotmail born?

Did you know that until the arrival of Hotmail you could only access your email if you downloaded it to your computer? Yes, it seems that Hotmail has been with us forever, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Hotmail logo

This email platform was born at the end of 1997 and, although a few years have passed, the truth is that until then it was unthinkable to be able to check our email through a website.

So, at the time (and still today) it remains a true revolution.

How to register on Hotmail

Creating a Hotmail account is much easier than you think. We are going to tell you step by step how to register for Hotmail so that you can do it in record time.

Steps to create an account in

Outlook? Yes, we have not gone crazy. Hotmail was the name by which this platform was initially known, which has now changed its name to Outlook. But come on, don't worry because it's still exactly the same.

So, let's go there! These are the steps you must follow:

Enter the Hotmail page

It will work for you to enter or Up to you. Both pages will reach you until the login.

Create email account (it's free)

If you enter Hotmail for the first time, you will have to go to the option below the login. Click 'Don't have a Microsoft account? Register now'.

How to create a Hotmail account

Fill in the form

Now comes the time to create the Hotmail account. To do this, you will see that they ask you for a series of information which includes the following:

  • Name and surname. It's a drawer, right? You will have to enter your first and last name to register. In fact, this name will be the one that appears when you send an email to another person, so it is important that you write it correctly.
  • Username. This is where you will have to decide what name will appear in your email account. We refer to this type: ****** In short, what will come first. This will be the email you will have to give when someone asks you for it. So it is also essential that you think about it carefully.
  • Choose the password. We recommend that your password be as complete as possible. As? Well, very easy. Make it content with uppercase, lowercase, characters and numbers. This way you ensure that it is much more difficult to guess by those who decide to access your account. Of course, you must memorize it or have it written down in a safe place.
  • Rewrite your password. It's just to make sure you've typed exactly the password you want. A way to check that you have not made any errors when writing it.
  • Country or region. Here you will put your country.
  • Postal Code. Here is your zip code.
  • Birthdate. At this point you will say your date of birth. We advise you to be truthful, it will avoid problems.
  • Sex. And finally, here you will choose your gender or you can choose not to specify it.
Form to register at
Form to register at

How to protect your account information

Or, in short, how to protect the Hotmail account. Here they will ask you for three pieces of information. First your phone number and then an email account. In the latter, you will be informed every time someone tries to enter your account in a suspicious way or it will help you reset your password in case you forget it.

Security tips for your Hotmail account

We give you a series of tips that will help you when it comes to protecting your Hotmail account.

  1. Always opt for strong passwords that protect you from descriptors.
  2. Always keep updated your information to recover your password (phone or alternative email).
  3. Careful with where do you publish the email address and save yourself from mass sending of spam.
  4. Be careful when you connect from public spaces. Always log out to prevent anyone from entering.
  5. Beware of the public Wi-Fi networks. These wifis can collect all your information.

Register Hotmail account from the app

You can also access your email directly from an application for your smartphone or tablet. It is undoubtedly the most convenient option since you will be informed at all times of any new emails you may have and, in addition, you will be able to directly manage your calendar and alerts.

  1. Download the Hotmail application. You can easily find it as 'Microsoft Outlook'.
  2. Here you will be asked to enter your email and password, if you already have one, or create your account.
  3. If your case is the second, click 'Register now' and fill in the information requested.
  4. Once the process is complete, you will be able to access your new account with your email and password.

The system is very similar to what you would do through the web. The best thing about using the app is that you have direct access wherever you are and, as we told you, it is not necessary to have to enter the application to find out your new emails. If you activate notifications you will receive them directly.

What are the advantages of using Hotmail?

These are its main advantages:

  • It is very easy to use. Its interface is very simple and you can enter and manage your account without major problems, whether in the web or app version.
  • You can access deleted emails. Have you deleted an email by mistake? No problem. They remain in your deleted folder for a while so you can recover them.
  • You have unlimited storage. It is undoubtedly one of his strong points. This is very useful for obtaining old emails that you may sometimes need.
  • You can send large files. Up to 25MB, which is not bad at all.
  • Easy registration. You have already seen that creating an account is very simple.
  • You can access from any device. From computer, Android, iOS…
  • You can filter spam emails. Thanks to its software, emails classified as possible spam will go directly to this folder.
  • You will have your contacts linked to Skype. So when you log into Skype you will have your contacts directly so you can start conversations with them.

Tips for using Hotmail

We tell you some things that you should keep in mind when using it.

How to avoid spam messages

Have you been put on an advertising list and do you continually receive messages? You just have to enter the email in question and follow the link that Hotmail itself proposes to cancel the subscription.

You can also directly block emails that arrive from this account in question.

Set up an automatic reply

These automatic responses help you respond to emails as soon as you receive them. This is great in case you are not going to have internet access for a few days and want to notify your contacts.

To start them you just have to go to 'Settings' > 'Options' and 'Automatic responses'. There you can program the response you want to send.

Unsend an email

It's great when you're a little absent-minded. This option will allow you to have a margin of time that will help you undo sending an email during the period of time you choose.

To do this, you must go to 'Settings' > 'Options' > 'Undo Send'. Here you can mark the time you have to undo it.

As you can see, this platform offers a lot. Now that you know how to create a Hotmail account or how to register, you can now start it. You'll get a lot of use out of it, I promise.