How to dropship

Another interesting option for earn money online from home is dropshipping, a type of sale of goods y services which offers us some advantages to take into account. Below we will learn a little more about the possibilities that this way of selling online offers us.

Earn money online from home with dropshipping

The advantages of dropshipping over other forms of sales

And dropshipping offers us some very interesting advantages compared to others. sales systems.

First of all, it will not be necessary for us to have storage space to classify all the products that we have at sale, something that is undoubtedly very appreciated and will help us save a lot of money.

It is also worth noting that we will not have to worry about receive and send goods, thus saving very valuable time that we can dedicate to attracting more clients.

Of course we won't have to take responsibility for guarantees, since it is the company that makes the shipment that is in charge of guarantee the product to the customer.

But what is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a sales technique in which we act as mere intermediaries between supplier and buyer end.

Our objective is to advertise a series of items and make them attractive as well as inform the potential buyer to resolve all your doubts. Once the purchase has been made by the customer, we will contact the supplier to prepare all the shipping procedures. This is where our work ends, and in exchange we will receive a commission per sale.

Obviously it is important to get a good number of clients and achieve build loyalty, since in this way, with the passage of time, much of the work will come on its own without us having to make an effort.

Of course, it is important that we know which suppliers are trustworthy so that they do not sink our image children cheat, and that is why it is essential that we listen to other people's opinions.

How to dropship?

The way dropshipping works is very simple, since you do not have to have stock to satisfy demand, so it is a plus for those entrepreneurs who want to start a business and do not have too much capital. But how is this technique done?

Choice of winning product

A winning product is one that, after testing it, has generated good profitability. Therefore, before you start promoting your business, you will need to find it. To do this, we must follow the following process:

  1. </strong>Search for financing, franchise acquisition in foreign markets products that are not sold in your country. that it is difficult to find them and/or the price is exorbitant to be able to offer it at a lower value.
  2. Find items with more 1.000 Ratings and with more than 9.999 «I like you«.
  3. Once you have found a product with these characteristics, you should make sure that the shipping is free and that leaves you a profit margin of at least 30%.

Do you have any doubt? David Costarrosa explains perfectly how to find winning products:

Choice of provider

The next important aspect to deal with is to find a supplier that markets said product. To find the right company you should make sure that the supplier has more than 98% positive reviews and more than 2.000 products sold. This way we will ensure that it is trustworthy.

Store creation

Once we have the product we must create the store. For this we can do it easily thanks to Shopify. On YouTube there are many videos that explain how to create a professional website for the sale of your products:

Test the product

Finally, we must put the product into circulation and test if it really sells. To achieve this we will have to create a Facebook Ads account, and advertise our articles through that medium, as explained in this tutorial:

Other ways to earn money online from home

If you want to know other ways to make money online, we recommend that you consult the following articles:

We encourage you to tell us other systems to make money online from home that are reliable so that we can analyze them and thus share them with all our readers.